What does PM Narendra Modi’s Muhurat Chart oath-taking ceremony indicate?

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s oath-taking ceremony occurred at 7:23 PM at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in Delhi. This event led to speculations about the duration and stability of the coalition government. The Muhurta chart of the swearing-in time gains significance due to its astrological indications .

Dear reader,When we refer to “auspicious and strong Muhurats,” we are talking about the practice of selecting favorable planetary alignments and time periods to carry out important activities. The purpose of this practice is to minimize any potential negative influences and enhance the positive outcomes associated with a particular endeavor. Whether it’s a significant life event such as marriage, the establishment of a business, or the inauguration of a new government, choosing an auspicious Muhurat is believed to contribute to the overall stability, prosperity, and advancement associated with these undertakings.

The rising sign is Scorpio, which is a transformative and strategic sign. Currently, four planets are sitting in the seventh house of Taurus, giving direct strength to the ascendant and Scorpio which is Under the influence of a double transit, on the other hand, the Moon is positioned in the ninth house in the Punarvasu Nakshatra and Vargottama in Navamsa Kundali, indicating strength in this government. However, the High Commission should be cautious and may need to try again.

Placing the Lagnaesh in the sixth house in astrology indicates challenges and difficulties. However, when Mars is in its own sign in this placement, it suggests that the government will put in significant effort and work diligently. In the seventh house, there is a strong yog that signifies promotion and career advancement. However, the presence of the 11th and 8th lord planet Mercury in this house may slightly affect longevity. Just wanted to mention that Saturn is exalted in the seventh house in the D10 (Dashmansh) career chart, which is a really good sign. Even though the presence of Mercury in the 7th house, Mandi, and Gulik in the third house may weaken this indication, Rajyog in the 7th house still shows strength. So, this Muhurat chart shows a mix of positive and negative aspects, with the positive side having a slightly stronger influence.

After January 2025, PM Modi’s transiting Ketu will pass over his natal Ketu and subsequently affect Mercury. This may cause some health issues. Also, his Mahadasha Mars is debilitated in D-9 (navmansha, strength) and D-10 divisions, which is a Cancer sign representing emotions. As a result, we may see less aggression in his working style.

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